
Debunking Sony Fanboys

As a true gamer, I enjoy and recognize the best games on all the platforms. But,  if there’s something that I despise the most is the fanboyism and irrational attitude of many Sony fanboys all over the internet. It is perfectly fine to be fan of a specific console. What is not fine is trying to convince others that your favorite games are better than others when in fact they are not.

Here are some games that fanboys believe are the best the genre has to offer, but in reality they are not as good as others.


Shadow of the Colossus:


  • According to fanboys: “Is the best adventure game ever”

A better game than this: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Why: Shadow of the Colossus is pretty good when it comes to exploration and boss battles. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on the other hand has everything that SOTC has and then more. In one game the only thing you do is fighting (impressive) bosses, in the other you solve puzzles, experience top-notch level-design, fantastic gameplay, etc. See now why SOTC is not the best adventure game ever?




  • According to fanboys: “Is the best shooter of the current generation”

A better game than this: Gears of War 1 (or 2)

Why: Uncharted is a very good game. Great visuals, solid mechanics, and fairly decent interesting storyline. Its main problem however is the imbalance between the platforming and shooting elements. One is great, the other not so much. It’s like Uncharted has an identity crisis; it doesn’t know if it wants to be a platformer with beautiful locales, or a shooter with frustrating and repetitive gun combat. Gears of War at least knows what it is from the beginning; a shooter, and in that respect it blows Uncharted’s gameplay out of the water.

Stay tuned for more about this article in the next few days.

Many would agree that platformers are no longer the “showcase” games for their respective systems. While that’s actually true, there have been quite a few platformers that demonstrate the power and creativity of their developers. Here are the Top 5.

#5 Banjo & Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts — Microsoft — Xbox 360

“The combination of a surprisingly lengthy single-player game and a robust multiplayer mode make this one game that just about anyone can enjoy. While the challenges get a little repetitive, the ability to create and operate custom vehicles — both online and off — make Nuts & Bolts a unique, entertaining spin on the everyday platformer.”

#4 New Super Mario Bros. — Nintendo — Nintendo DS

“Never slowing down, never faltering: New Super Mario Bros. redoes the past with new action and some new surprises, once more in retro-materialized gold. Whether you’re from the old school or a student of the new school, you’re going to love New Super Mario Bros. no matter what.”

#3 LittleBigPlanet — Sony — PS3

“As a platformer game, it’s just good–not great, but  powerful editing tools are what make this quite the package. Creative players will reach heaven with possibilities this game offers, and others can enjoy fruits of their work.”

#2 Braid — Microsoft — Xbox 360

“Braid is a game cut from the same cloth as “BioShock” and “Portal,” erasing videogame norms and reimagining the way we look at the medium. It does things with gaming that are usually reserved for novels and films, while also adding elements that would be impossible in any other form. It’s is a game that makes you think about your own life as much as it does about gaming.”

#1 Super Mario Galaxy — Nintendo — Wii

A game that reaches for the stars and can touch the stars, with flawless execution at every level, could only be considered something: perfect. This is the stuff videogames are made.”

Honestly, there have not been a lot of good RPG’s coming from Japanese developers. In the other hand, western guys have been releasing a bunch of good stuff for all consoles. Here are the 5 best RPG’s for this generation so far:

#5 Valkyria Chronicles — SEGA — PS3

“The vast-majority rest of the time, Valkyria Chronicles offers a unique take on RPG-strategy, a truly involving story, endearing characters, and a chance to reflect upon—or wonderfully, hopelessly anachronize— whatever sense of real-world history you may still have in your head.”

#4 Fable 2 — Microsoft — Xbox 360

“Molyneux invites us to the fantasy world of Albion. It’s a beautiful story where we have all the freedom to live our live as we want. Good or evil? Hero or villain? Family head or silent assassins? It’s all up to us. Excellent presentation, good graphics, great combat system and many surprises in one of the best RPG’s to date”

#3 The World Ends With You — Square-Enix — Nintendo DS

“The World Ends With You is an amazing marriage of style and gameplay. The dual screen combat further stretches what the DS can achieve in gaming that is far from a lame gimmick.”

#2 Mass Effect — Microsoft — Xbox 360 / PC

“An incredible effort from any perspective, Mass Effect sets the new standard for story-driven games, and has unquestionably surpassed all others to become the preeminent science fiction franchise today.”

#1 Fallout 3 — Bethesda Softworks — Xbox 360 / PC / PS3

“Although Fallout 3 is fundamentally a role-playing game, its success lies in the way it balances — and sometimes betters — the approaches of other videogame masterpieces: the retro immersion of “BioShock,” the paranoia of “Portal,” the exploration of “Oblivion” and the seamless storytelling of “Half-Life 2.”

Other good RPG’s that almost made it to this list: Dragon Quest V (NDS), Tales of Vesperia (Xbox 360), Lost Odyssey (Xbox 360), Elder Scrols IV: Oblivion (Xbox 360, PC, PS3)